tried to Kill me
But Banjos Saved My Life

An Award Winning, Inspirational True Story
Keith Alessi playing a banjo



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Reviews & Press

Keith Alessi - Edinburgh Interview
Keith Alessi - Edinburgh Interview
January 1, 2021

The Fringe in Review Podcast - We continue our coverage of theSpaceUK which which brings a second season of shows from all genres via its digital platform. Written and spoken word, theatre and music, there is plenty to appreciate and enjoy during lockdown.

Banjo-playing performer strikes a chord with Calgary audiences
Banjo-playing performer strikes a chord with Calgary audiences
January 20, 2020

For two weeks, Keith Alessi didn’t know if he was going to live or die. “It was a heck of a wake-up call,” said Alessi of the time he spent in hospital fighting cancer. “You really do reflect upon what have I done with my life?”

CTV News Calgary Interview
CTV News Calgary Interview
January 16, 2020

Lunchbox Theatre presents a must see show where the banjo has a starring role.

Audience Feedback

Very good show. Heartfelt and moving. Enjoyable.