tried to Kill me
But Banjos Saved My Life

An Award Winning, Inspirational True Story
Keith Alessi playing a banjo



Spirit of the Fringe
Windsor Walkerville Fringe

Reviews & Press

5 Star Review- PLAYBILL (Edinburgh)
5 Star Review- PLAYBILL (Edinburgh)
August 13, 2024

Written by Margaret Hall

5 Star review-Arts Review Edinburgh
5 Star review-Arts Review Edinburgh
August 5, 2024

5 Star Review written by Tom King

CTV Sawatsky Sign-Off
CTV Sawatsky Sign-Off
April 8, 2024

A wonderful human interest story by Adam Sawatsky of CTV Vancouver Island

Audience Feedback

An amazing journey presented here - very touchy and powerful story told in a very intimate theater...makes you look, as Keith Alessi suggests, in your closet...and forward through the windshield...This is an authentic and not-to-be missed!!!

Very well done- humorous, poignant, excellent.

Heartfelt personal experience, like a Moth story hour. Good story teller. I will leave it up to the listener if he/she wants to hear about a personal journey.