tried to Kill me
But Banjos Saved My Life

An Award Winning, Inspirational True Story
Keith Alessi playing a banjo



Sold Out Run
Off Broadway
Most Inspirational
New York City
Festival Spirit
New York City

Reviews & Press

5 Star Review- PLAYBILL (Edinburgh)
5 Star Review- PLAYBILL (Edinburgh)
August 13, 2024

Written by Margaret Hall

5 Star review-Arts Review Edinburgh
5 Star review-Arts Review Edinburgh
August 5, 2024

5 Star Review written by Tom King

CTV Sawatsky Sign-Off
CTV Sawatsky Sign-Off
April 8, 2024

A wonderful human interest story by Adam Sawatsky of CTV Vancouver Island

Audience Feedback

Thoughtful, touching biography. Being an expat Canadian living in NYC, having grown up at a similar time too, I was personally engaged yet the material was not only touching and graciously presented, the performance was poignant. Everyone in the audience felt it; there was a subtle unifying connection. It was uplifting and inexplicable definitely in the mix, making it a lasting contentment of shared experience.

Loved the show... I laughed... I cried... I walked away with good lessons...

Very touching. Good performance.