tried to Kill me
But Banjos Saved My Life

An Award Winning, Inspirational True Story
Keith Alessi playing a banjo



Pick of the fringe
Spirit of the Fringe
Windsor Walkerville Fringe

Reviews & Press

Global News - Edmonton Fringe Reviews
Global News - Edmonton Fringe Reviews
August 23, 2019

On Friday evening, Todd James reviewed Tomatoes Tried to Kill Me But Banjos Saved My Life (5/5)...

Theatre Addicts Vancouver - Vancouver Fringe Festival 2018
Theatre Addicts Vancouver - Vancouver Fringe Festival 2018
September 14, 2018

Adjunct Professor of Law at Washington and Lee University. CEO at Westmoreland Coal. CEO at Telescpectrum Worldwide. President and CEO at Jackson Hewitt. President and CEO at Farm Fresh Inc. This is not the CV of a Fringe performer.

Audience Feedback

Thoughtful, touching biography. Being an expat Canadian living in NYC, having grown up at a similar time too, I was personally engaged yet the material was not only touching and graciously presented, the performance was poignant. Everyone in the audience felt it; there was a subtle unifying connection. It was uplifting and inexplicable definitely in the mix, making it a lasting contentment of shared experience.

Loved the show... I laughed... I cried... I walked away with good lessons...

Very touching. Good performance.