Tomatoestried to Kill meBut Banjos Saved My Life

Reviews & Press

On Friday evening, Todd James reviewed Tomatoes Tried to Kill Me But Banjos Saved My Life (5/5)...

Adjunct Professor of Law at Washington and Lee University. CEO at Westmoreland Coal. CEO at Telescpectrum Worldwide. President and CEO at Jackson Hewitt. President and CEO at Farm Fresh Inc. This is not the CV of a Fringe performer.
Audience Feedback
I went to see this because I like banjo music, but it was infintely more than that. The personal story of how a love of music can raise you from the worst that life can do. Highly recommended!
That was, without doubt, the finest fringe-style show I have ever seen. It was sensational in every important way. The subject was compelling. The script was carefully crafted: there was not one surplus word, and there were a number of clever connections to earlier moments. The use of tomatoes and banjos for life’s challenges and victories is nothing short of brilliant. It was poignant, moving, funny and uplifting. And your storytelling superb. It was so impressive."
Nice Loved this show! Riveting and profound. Live life to the fullest."